Pete Psarras
Research Assistant Professor

About Pete
Pete received his B.A. in Chemistry from Miami University in Oxford, Ohio and continued to pursue his doctoral work at Cleveland State University. There, his focus shifted early from wet inorganic chemistry to computational, ab initio modeling of systems through first principles. He used this theoretical framework to explore Fischer-Tropsch catalytic surfaces and tuning them toward lower selectivity to methane.
After receiving his doctorate in 2014, he joined Jennifer Wilcox's Clean Energy Conversions Laboratory, then at Stanford University. There he focused on the modeling of sorbents for post combustion capture as well as geographic information systems modeling of source-sink relationships in carbon capture and utilization (CCU).
Pete joined Penn as a Research Assistant Professor in January 2021 where he acts temporary PI of the CEC lab while Jen is on DOE appointment. His research involves techno-economic assessment and lifecycle analysis of technologies spanning both carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) and engineered carbon dioxide removal (CDR). These analyses inform strategic regional pathways for responsible deployment of carbon management systems.
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Check out Pete's Google Scholar
- Psarras, P., Comello, S., Bains, P., Charoensawadpong, P., Reichelstein, S., Wilcox, J. Carbon Capture and Utilization in the Industrial Sector. Environmental Science and Technology, 2017, DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.7b01723. Featured in the September 22, 2017 issue of Science.
- Psarras, P., Holmes, R., Vishal, V., Wilcox, J. Methane and CO2 Adsorption Capacities of Kerogen in the Eagle Ford Shale from Molecular Simulation. Accounts of Chemical Research, 2017, 50(8), 1818–1828.
- Psarras, P., Krutka, H., Fajardy, M., Zhang, Z., Liguori, S., Mac Dowell, N., Wilcox, J. Slicing the Pie: How Big Could Carbon Dioxide Removal Be? Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Energy and Environment, 2017, 6(5).
- Psarras, P., He, J., Wilcox, J. Effect of Water on the CO2 Adsorption Capacity of Amine–Functionalized Carbon Sorbents. Industrial Engineering and Chemistry Research, 2017, 56(21), 6317–6325. 2016. Issue Cover. This paper was identified by Session Chair William J. Koros (Georgia Institute of Technology, United States) as the Best Presentation from the session “Novel Material for Gas Separation, Storage & Utilization” from the 2016 ACS Fall Meeting in Philadelphia, PA.
- Psarras, P., Ball, D., Wilcox, J. Effect of Ag and Pd Promotion on CH4 Selectivity in Fe(100) Fischer-Tropsch Catalysis. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2017, 19(7), 5495–5503. 2016
- Psarras, P., Wilcox, J. Molecular Simulations of Nitrogen-Doped Hierarchical Carbon Adsorbents for Post-Combustion CO2 Capture. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2016, 18(41), 28747–28758.
- Psarras, P., Ball, D. DFT/QTAIM Analysis of the Effect of Late Transition Metal Doping on Methane Selectivity in Fischer-Tropsch Catalysis. Computational and Theoretical Chemistry, 2015, 1063, 1–9.
- Hepp, A., Kulis, M., Psarras, P. et. al. Novel Catalysts and Processing Technologies for Production of Aerospace Fuels from Non-Petroleum Raw Materials, AIAA Conference Paper, 2014
- Psarras, P., Anderson, R., Gomez-Gualdron, D., Wilcox, J. Material Consequences of Hydrogen Dissolution in Palladium Alloys Observed from First Principles. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2019, 123(36) 22158-22171
- Psarras, P., Anderson, R. Wilcox, J., Gomez-Gualdron, D. Dissociation, Dissolution, and Diffusion of Nitrogen on VxFey and VxCry Alloy Membranes Studied by First Principles. The Journal of Physical Chemistry, C 2019, 123 (50), 30416-30426
- Psarras, P., He, J., et al. Cost Analysis of Carbon Capture and Sequestration from US Natural Gas-fired Power Plants. Environmental Science and Technology, 2020.
- Psarras, P. et al. Economics of Carbon Capture and Storage for Small Scale Hydrogen Generation for Transit Refueling Stations. Urban Publications, 2020 Co-author (12)
- Kirchofer, A., Firouzi, M., Psarras, P., Wilcox, J. Modeling CO2 Transport and Sorption in Carbon Slit Pores. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2017, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.7b06780.
- Bains, P., Psarras, P., Wilcox, J. CO2 Capture from the Industry Sector. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, 2017, 63, 146–172.
- Lee, K., Liguori, S., Psarras, P., Wilcox, J. Theoretical Study of Nitrogen Absorption in Metals. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2017, 121(31), 17016–17028.
- Wilcox, J., Psarras, P., Liguori, S. Assessment of Reasonable Opportunities for Direct Air Capture. Environmental Research Letters, 2017, 12(6), 065001.
- He, J., To, J., Psarras, P. et al. Natural Gas Sweetening Using a Tunable Polyaniline-Based Porous Carbon with Ultrahigh Surface Area. Advanced Energy Materials, 2016, 6(14), 1502491.
- Kelemen, P., Benson, SM., Pilorgé, H., Psarras, P., Wilcox, J. An Overview of the Status and Challenges of CO2 Storage in Minerals and Geological Formations. Frontiers in Climate, 2019, 1(9)
- Baker, SE, Psarras, P., et al., Getting to Neutral: Options for Negative Emissions in California. Lawrence Livermore National Lab, Livermore, CA (United States) 2019
- McQueen, N., Woodall, C., Psarras, P., Wilcox, J. CCS in the Iron and Steel Industry. Carbon Capture and Storage, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2019 Cambridge (United Kingdom) 353-391
- Henning, M., Thomas, AR., Triozzi, M., Psarras, P. How the Midwest Can Lead the Hydrogen Economy: Matching Generation Assets to Distribution Markets in Planning Hydrogen Refueling Infrastructure for Trucking and Transit. 2020, 1.
- Shah, J., Gorky, F., Psarras, P., Seong, B., Gómez‐Gualdrón, D. A., Carreon, M. L. Enhancement of the Yield of Ammonia by Hydrogen‐Sink Effect during Plasma Catalysis. ChemCatChem, 2020, 12 (4), 1200-1211
- McQueen, N., Psarras, P., et al. Cost Analysis of Direct Air Capture and Sequestration Coupled to Low-Carbon Thermal Energy in the US. Environmental Science and Technology, 2020.
- Pilorgé, H., McQueen, N., Maynard, DH., Psarras, P., et al. Cost Analysis of Carbon Capture and Sequestration of Process Emissions from the US Industrial Sector, Environmental Science and Technology, 2020.
- McQueen, N., Desmond, MJ., Socolow, RH., Psarras, P., Wilcox, J. Natural Gas versus Electricity for Solvent-Based Direct Air Capture. Frontiers in Climate, 2020.
Professional Service
University of Michigan Global CO2 Initiative – Faculty Affiliate
2021 - present
Judge, XPRIZE Carbon Removal
2021 - 2025
ACS Cleveland, Chair-Elect
2020 - 2021
Associate Editor, Frontiers Negative Emissions Technologies
2019 - present
Judge, NRG/Cosia Carbon XPrize – CO2 Utilization Contest
2016 - 2021
Referee, Energy and Fuels (x6), Journal of Hazardous Materials (x1), International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control (x4)
2015 - 2016
President, Vice-President, and Treasurer, Graduate Student Interdisciplinary Research Club
2010 - 2014
Graduate Teaching Assistant Mentor
2012 - 2014
Undergraduate Chemistry Tutoring
2009 - 2014